Saturday, 1 February 2025

Working on wavetable synth Dracorex LV2 / VST

 Not a great demo but fixed a few bugs I'd set the range wrong on a few parameters and forgot to initialise the low pass resonant filters which was causing all sorts of chaos on Qtractor lol it was confusing because it was working fine ran as a standalone in Jalv. #linuxaudio #lv2 #vst #synthesis #wavetable

Working on my drum machine plugin again - Stegosaurus


Forgot all about this blog will use it more again from now on, added lots to my old drum machine plugin basic FM for better hi hats and symbols, rudimentary clap though I want to improve the envelope, cowbell, and comes in LV2 and VST2 (VST3 / CLAP to come).  #linuxaudio #drum #lv2 #vst #synthesis

Monday, 13 November 2023

Samplersaurus demo 2

  #vst #synthesizer #drum another quick demo of the drum synth I'm working on, plan to move from Cairo widgets to NanoVG once I've