Sunday, 15 January 2012

I saw earlier Moog had released a Synth called Minotaur and it's even got a minataur logo on the side, it's an obvious name for a synth I suppose but funny timing, you'd think I'd copied it but it's the first I heard of it, ah well I ended up calling the monosynth Minaton anyway after I saw the name minotaur was taken by another linux programme, here's today's screenshot of triceratops now with the three LFOs, two fast ones, and one extra slow for sweeps, All can module any three of the oscillators or filter. Next need to implement individual volume and panning for each DCO.


  1. Do you think you could host source code in some public Git/SVn/whatever repo?

    'Coz you make us drool :)

  2. Very nice ! Looking forward to this !

  3. @prokoudine that's a good idea I'll look into it, still haven't worked out how to enable tickets on sourceforge, need to do that, cheers StoneCut just did some more work on it today, oscillator sync working now
