Thursday, 3 May 2012

Installing new Gimp beta on Debian Sid / Unstable (REVISED)

Am just using a testing version of Gimp, relieved to see it's much faster than the beta and RC I'd tried, going to have a good play with this and see if I like it enough to install it as my main version.

$ sudo apt-get build-dep gimp

you may also need this:-
$ sudo apt-get install

$ mkdir gimp-2.8
$ cd gimp-2.8
$ export PATH=/opt/gimp-2.8/bin:$PATH
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gimp-2.8/lib/pkgconfig
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gimp-2.8/lib
$ git clone git://
$ cd babl
$ ./ --prefix=/opt/gimp-2.8
$ make -j3
$ sudo make install
$ cd ..
$ git clone git://
$ cd gegl
$ ./ --prefix=/opt/gimp-2.8
$ ./configure  --prefix=/opt/gimp-2.8
$ make -j3
$ sudo make install
$ cd ..
$ wget
$ tar -xvf gimp-2.8.0.tar.bz2
$ cd gimp2.8/
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/gimp-2.8/ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gimp-2.8/lib/pkgconfig/
$ make -j3
$ sudo make install
$ cd /opt/gimp-2.8/bin/gimp


  1. WEll... this is Gimp 2.9... ???

  2. This gives me Gimp 2.9.1... Pretty unstable! :) Can you tell me how to uninstall this, and then install Gimp 2.8 on Debian testing? Thanks folks!

  3. yes sorry about that I googled around to and found this, it seemed to work so I posted the instructions up, then saw the version number :o) it's so slow on my system for some reason, go to the original source folders where you unarched babl/gegl and gimp and in each just type make uninstall as root.

  4. I had to do this on the last configure:

    ./configure --prefix=/opt/gimp-2.8/ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gimp-2.8/lib/pkgconfig/ --without-libtiff

  5. might have been missing libtiff4-dev or libtiff5-dev, as long as tiff support isn't needed no major thing.
