Monday, 18 August 2014

Stegosaurus - trying to keep things simple

That logo needs work I think...... also I think I'm going to remove clap and clave and keep things simple with just four different sounds, kick, snare and whatever else if I want more sounds I can always use two instances of the plugin or mix it with another drum machine that uses PCM samples or a different synthesis method, variety is good, and as I've chosen to go down the same route as Triceratops and have one port per parameter (why have a synthesized drum machine without fully dynamic automatable parameters) having only four sounds will reduce the number of ports needed considerably.

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Working on wavetable synth Dracorex LV2 / VST

 Not a great demo but fixed a few bugs I'd set the range wrong on a few parameters and forgot to initialise the low pass resonant filter...