Sunday, 9 September 2012

triceratops v0.1.0 - Coming soon just need to do more presets.

Newest version of my synth Triceratops will be uploaded to GIT / Sourceforge in a couple of days once more preset sounds are created.


  1. Hi Nick,

    I have succesfully compiled and tried Triceratops on my Linux Fedora 17 LXDE system.
    Looks and sounds nice. One problem: unlike the screendumps I see on your website, on my system it is very difficult to read the names and values of the parameter knobs and sliders on the dark red gui panel color because I am getting text and numbers in a black font instead of white.

    What could be wrong?

    (could you please forward your comment to m.tarenskeen AT ?)

  2. I have had the same happen on Gnome as well with certain themes, hopefully the newest version solves most of the problems and the GUI is scalable, the text labels can be enlarged by resizing, I'll upload it very soon.


Working on wavetable synth Dracorex LV2 / VST

 Not a great demo but fixed a few bugs I'd set the range wrong on a few parameters and forgot to initialise the low pass resonant filter...