Sunday 13 April 2014

Triceratops studio

Have been working on my sequencer today, very sporadic it'll probably be ages and ages before I release it (if that ever happens) here it's just triggering two midi synths via jack (Zynaddsubfx & triceratops) and the drum beat is internal wav files positioned on the grid, so far so good, next I need some internal synthesis going on and a mixer.


  1. Nice demo!! It'd be great to try out the sequencer, too!
    I've been doing more testing of Triceratops, found one small bug in the amp decay adjustment, where it becomes terribly long. I love using this synth (I use it in jalv.gtk). My only other gripe is that the sounds should at some point form banks, otherwise the list gets too long..

  2. erk I'll take a look at the envelope bug and see if I can fix it, I have been going through the source today trying to understand why the deb package version fails to load presets in the terminal it says "UI write to out of range port index -1"

    as of version 0.1.9 there are categories, but midi patch numbers / banks etc. are ignored not sure how appropriate that is for a plug in

    1. True. It's really a jalv.gtk thing, not the synth itself. BTW, I like the categories window a lot. The only problem is that the patches cannot be selected from there directly. (Perhaps this is intentional, still it would be nice to be able to access the patch directly from the category list..)


  3. mmm it's supposed to let you select them I'll do some tests tomorrow

  4. Hi Nick,
    I was making some great patches today, and I discovered that sometimes notes were getting cut off. Is there a maximum polyphony rule?
    I'd like to make some sound banks for this synth too. The only thing is that a bank list would get quite long, at least when using jalv.gtk. Is there a different way to view the patch list?


  5. I also just noticed in a patch called "after the storm", I get a type of "pop" in the speakers at certain intervals, quite loud.


  6. I also just updated jalv.gtk, and the terminal gave a list of error messages:

    Error opening file /usr/lib/lv2/triceratops-presets.lv2/warm_5th.ttl (No such file or directory)
    lilv_world_load_resource(): error: Error loading resource `file:///usr/lib/lv2/triceratops-presets.lv2/warm_5th.ttl'
    Preset has no rdfs:label
    lv2ui_descriptor(0) called
    Loading local config file..
    loading categories from /usr/lib/lv2/triceratops.lv2/triceratops_categories.txt
    Error(2) opening /usr/local/lib/lv2/triceratops-presets.lv2/
    loading /usr/lib/lv2/triceratops.lv2/logo.png
    loading /usr/lib/lv2/triceratops.lv2/logo.png
    loading /usr/lib/lv2/triceratops.lv2/logo.png
    loading /usr/lib/lv2/triceratops.lv2/logo.png
    error: Preset port `sequencer_active' is missing
    error: Preset port `sequencer_note1' is missing
    error: Preset port `sequencer_note2' is missing
    error: Preset port `sequencer_note3' is missing
    error: Preset port `sequencer_note4' is missing
    error: Preset port `sequencer_note5' is missing
    error: Preset port `sequencer_note6' is missing
    error: Preset port `sequencer_note7' is missing
    error: Preset port `sequencer_note8' is missing
    UI write to out of range port index -1
    UI write to out of range port index -1
    UI write to out of range port index -1

    The list was long, but mostly repeats of these messages. Hope this info helps!


  7. Those are the control ports i removed and some presets must still refer to them, I meant to have a simple 8 note sequencer built in for arpreggiator effects but then decided that was probably best done by another separate midi processing plug in, I'll take a look to see where the errors are coming from, thanks, will upload a new version soon been trying to sort the presets into more appropriate categories and adding some new ones, and some debug code to see why the packaged version doesn't load them properly.

  8. Ok; this synth is really great to have. An arpeggiator would be nice, especially a standalone-type arpeggiator that could be linked to any instrument. QMidiArp is good, but I find the midi signals lag at times, so it's not as fast as it should be. Also, the actual notes are inserted on a command line, which is awkward.
    As I'm not a programmer, I don't know how complicated it would be to make, but it would be very useful indeed!



Samplersaurus demo 2

  #vst #synthesizer #drum another quick demo of the drum synth I'm working ...